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With the right amount of SPF and sun exposure, your redhead skin has probably been spoiled this summer. The warmth in the air has probably left your lips moist and your skin with a glow. But, sadly enough, those days are coming to an end. The cold air will suddenly sweep in and you need to be prepared.

Spa director, Beth Jarrett, with Body Tonic RX Med Spa shared some tips on how fair-skinned redheads should transition their skincare routine from summer to fall.

“Women who are fair-skinned, like redheads, generally have more sensitivity to the sun, tend to have drier skin, and also have more issues with allergies, than those with darker skin types,” says Beth. “Throughout the summer you’ve probably been slathering on the sunblock (hopefully!) and your skin has probably been happier with the humidity. But we will soon be reminded that dryer weather is imminent.”
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Here are Beth’s top 4 tips for changing up your skincare routine to transition from summer to fall:

Tip 1: Boost the emollients!

“Cold weather leads to drier skin. Use a richer moisturizer in the colder months, and add in a night cream. The skin repairs itself at night while you sleep. Adding in a moisturizer can help this process along. Skin care companies have spent a lot of time studying skin and skin repair. What they have learned is that: skin renewal increases at night, blow flood (which helps with repair) is lower at night, and skin ph is more acidic during sleep. So a moisturizer that compliments these issues can help enhance skin radiance, texture and hydration.”

‘Redhead Friendly’ Product Recommendation: Deep Steep Body Butter

“Don’t forget about your eyes! Neocutis Lumiere Riche is a great eye cream that has growth factors as well, and can help hydrate the sensitive skin around eyes day and night, also reducing the appearance of fine lines and dark circles.”

Tip 2: Use products with antioxidants or growth factors.

“We want to fight any sun damage caused over the summer. Look for products that contain vitamin E, green tea extract, and/or L-ascorbic Acid, which is a form of vitamin C that penetrates deeply into the skin. Antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals, can help speed up the skin’s natural repair process and inhibit further damage.”

Tip 3: Zinc oxide!

It’s true: 90% of your wrinkles come from the sun. Even though summer may be coming to an end, continue to use a SPF 30 product daily.

“Don’t forget about sunblock just because it’s not 100 degrees outside. When purchasing a quality sunscreen, look for one with at least five percent of zinc oxide. Zinc oxide creates a physical barrier between your skin and the sun and is not absorbed into the skin (like other chemical sunscreens), but rather acts in such a way as to reflect the sunlight away from your skin. It protects against both UVA and UVB (ultraviolet rays), and because it is not absorbed into the skin, zinc oxide is non-irritating and non-allergenic. It also adheres well to the skin, making it less likely to seep into your eyes and give you that terrible burning sensation.”

Tip 4: Pump up the hydration!

“We hear it all the time: drink lots of water. Hydration is crucial to skin repair and appearance. When you are dehydrated your skin will appear more wrinkled. Proper hydration ensures your skin looks plumper and smoother. Drinking water also helps maintain the right balance of all your body’s fluids and helps rid the body of toxins – all this leads to skin repair, health and helping you look rested and radiant!”


At the end of the day, don’t go by what the directions say, listen to what your body and sensitive skin is saying; seasonal changes can make the skin more sensitive.


7 Essential Fall Skincare Tips

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Fall is a transitional season that moves us from those long, hot summer days to the short, chilly days of winter. During this season it’s important that your skin care routine correct any damage that occurred in the summer, while fortifying and preparing your skin for the cold winter ahead. To adjust your skin care routine to the fall months, check out our fall skin care tips below.
young woman on bright leaves

1. Exfoliate.

It’s time to get rid of those old skin cells that are flaking and drying from your last summer tan. Gentle exfoliation will facilitate the process and reveal new, healthy skin cells underneath. Choose an oil-based scrub that will also hydrate your skin. Contrary to belief, these oil-based products are even appropriate for oily skin. Natural oils can dissolve sebum (facial oil) while providing the moisture you need.

2. Avoid harsh soaps.

Another change in your shower or bath routine is to be more mindful of the soap you are using. Many soaps on the market can damage your skin barrier and promote drying, which is made worse by pants and long-sleeved shirts that rub against your skin throughout the day and wick away the natural moisture. Instead, choose a gentle oil-based cleanser which will add the hydration you need during this time of the year.

3. Maximize your moisturizer.

The summer sun can rob your skin of moisture, so it’s time to correct the problem before it is made worse by winter’s cold temperatures and damaging winds. Now that you’ve exfoliated and used the proper cleanser, it’s time to pack on even more moisture in the transitional fall months. Like the tip listed above, fall is a good time to use an effective moisturizer that provides a barrier to help prevent water loss. The best time to apply a moisturizer is right after your shower or bath, and remember to moisturize every single day.

4. Don’t forget sunscreen.

It is incorrect and potentially dangerous to assume that sunscreen is only for the summer. Ultraviolet rays penetrate through the atmosphere in any season – including fall – and any weather – including both clear and cloudy autumn days. Your skin still needs protection, particularly for your face which is still exposed to the elements as you begin to bundle up in response to the colder weather.

5. Protect your lips.

One particular part of your face that cannot be ignored is your lips. The cooler temperatures and breezy conditions of fall can cause dry lips including cracking and splitting. As we draw closer to winter, the risk gets even greater, so defend your lips with a moisturizer or even better, a moisturizer that includes SPF.

6. Keep hand cream handy.

The colder temperatures of winter causes hands to become dry and cracked, and for many of us it’s not a question of if this is going to happen but a question of when. Dry hands are also caused by the amount of washing that we do in the fall and winter in order to prevent the spread of germs. The good news is that you can prepare your hands for late-fall and winter months by moisturizing your hands regularly.

7. Introduce serums to your routine.

Facial serum packs a big punch in a small package, and if you’re not currently using a serum then this fall is a perfect time to incorporate one into your skin care routine. Serums are light, fast-absorbing and efficient. A one ounce bottle of serum can last for several months, but it delivers high concentrations of vitamins and antioxidants that help improve sun damage and fight the appearance of aging skin.


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To save your skin from becoming dull, lacklustre and dehydrated during the autumn months, up your exfoliation to twice a week. Exfoliating regularly, helps to increase cellular regeneration and removes dead skin cells that can hinder the absorption of any moisturisers or serums. When selecting a scrub, we recommend choosing one with natural exfoliants such as Sugar, or Apricot seed powder. Many high street scrubs contain plastic micro beads that are harmful to wildlife when washed down the drain. Our organic Sugar Scrub for the body and Fruit Scrub Exfoliator for the face and neck, are packed with deeply nourishing Shea Butter and use only natural exfoliants to keep skin hydrated, refreshed and radiant all year round.

Inject more moisture

Having a super-moisturising facial product in your arsenal really is one of the most important autumn beauty tips. Make sure you avoid any cosmetics that contain drying alcohol, as this synthetic nasty strips your skin of moisture and can cause it to become dry and itchy. If you’ve never tried a facial oil before, now is the perfect time to invest. With a beautifully light, silky texture and an intense nourishing feel, facial oils are the ideal products to give your skin the edge against the elements. Our Anti Ageing Facial Oil and Age Defy+ Cell Enrich Facial Oil are both full of powerful skin-rejuvenating plant oils including organic Rosehip, Evening Primrose and Sweet Almond. Use your facial oil twice daily for an amazing, non-greasy moisture treat. Or if you need to calm your tired skin, try a pampering face mask to nourish, plump and soften. Our organic Vita Min Mask is perfect for sensitive skin, has powerful anti-ageing plant actives and is really easy to use. Simply apply a walnut-sized amount to your face, leave for 20-30 minutes before removing the excess with a soft tissue - no need to peel or rinse, this mask gives you an amazing spa feeling in your own home.
anti-ageing facial oil

Liven up your lips

It can be tempting to reach for a tub of petroleum jelly to protect chapped lips from the chill; however that innocent looking tub may not be as helpful as you think. As a by-product from the oil industry, petroleum jelly is not compatible with our skin. Slathering it on your lips is essentially wrapping your skin in cling film, preventing it from breathing and potentially making the area even more sore and chapped. Instead, reach for a lip product that contains natural waxes, butters and oils, which as well as forming a protective layer, nourishes and repairs damaged skin. Use our new Enrich & Enhance Lip Primer by itself or as a colour anchoring and enhancing base under any lipstick; or try our Soft Lips Scent Free Lip Balm which also contains SPF8, making it the new handbag essential.

Help is at hand

Probably the most common cold skin quandary is dry, sore hands. This isn’t really surprising as our hands are often exposed to the elements, whether it's fumbling for keys or tapping away on our phones, we often neglect them when it comes to skin care. Because the skin on your hands doesn't produce as much natural oil as the rest of your body, this area is much more prone to dryness, especially in colder weather. It’s time to give back to our hardest working body parts! Pamper your hands with a deeply hydrating rescue remedy like our Help at Hand cream, enriched with Squalane from olive, Jojoba oil and soothing Marshmallow root, your hands won’t know how to thank you.

Get beautiful skin from within

organic supplement
You can make a big difference to your skin by making some small changes to your diet. For example, many of us still don’t drink enough water and this can cause skin to become dry and flaky. Drinking 2 litres of filtered water per day (8 x 250ml glasses) is an essential way to protect your skin from succumbing to autumn dullness. If you aren’t already taking an organic food supplement, autumn is a great time to begin. Our superfood Green Beauty supplement not only gives your immune system a much needed pre-winter boost, it also works wonders to hydrate, smooth and protect your skin. Green Beauty contains one of the most powerful known antioxidants called Astaxanthin. This ingredient is so remarkable as it is able to enter and protect every cell in the body, effectively giving you a full-body hug!


5 tips for fabulous autumn skin

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I am excited to be celebrating the change of seasons and our very first blog post. Yes a long time coming, since we launched 18 months ago and what a ride so far, full of amazing highs scattered with some pretty low lows. Along with juggling my 4 and 7 year old children’s needs, oh and yes hubby, dog and myself I can finally say I am finding my stride and loving it!
So let’s jump into autumn with 5 easy skin health tips as we transition into the cooler months.
As the days grow shorter, the temperatures drop, and the air becomes drier, your skin may lose precious moisture. Autumn is a time of transition and is a great time to help correct any summer damage that may have occurred and prepare your skin for the coming winter.
Sun and saltwater may have taken a toll on your skin throughout the summer, so autumn is the time to exfoliate and moisturise.
Follow these autumn skin health tips for healthy radiant skin:
Make the switch to a richer cream. As the air becomes drier your skin will be in need of greater nourishment and protection. Consider switching your moisturiser to a richer version. That dry, tight feeling may be caused by a moisturiser that’s not rich enough for your skin’s needs during these drier, colder months. Our Rejuvenate face cream is the perfect fit. 
Stay well hydrated:  We’ve all heard it before, drink more water! The truth is if you don’t replenish yourself with water you will become dehydrated both inside and outside. Drinking water first thing in the morning is a great way to wake up and get a head start on hydration. And don’t forget juicy fruits and vegetables and herbal teas to bump up your hydration. 
Exfoliate with dry skin brushing:  Start the new season off with a full-body session of dry skin brushing. Just two minutes of dry brushing increases circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system (which moves toxins out of the body) and removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. Brush the entire body from the tips of your extremities towards your heart before you jump in the shower.  
Protect your lips. Start moisturising now to prevent dry, cracked lips this season. Use soothe lip balm to provide instant relief, moisture and protection. Cocoa seed and shea butter soothe and condition while tamanu delivers skin healing and protective properties against the elements.  
Skins superfood:  Nutrition plays such an important role in your skin health. At this time of year my top picks are avocados which are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants and do wonders for your complexion. The nutrient dense chia seed for their Omega fatty acid content (sprinkle over salads, add to smoothies) and lemons, freshly squeezed in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning acts as a daily detox. Chock full of Vitamin C and immune boosting bioflavonoids they are must have pantry stable.

5 Derm Tips for Updating Your Skincare Routine for Fall

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Autumn brings with it many things: Football, sweater weather, foliage, hot apple cider, dry, damaged skin?
Unfortunately, colder weather takes a toll on skin. To learn how to cope we spoke with board certified dermatologists Dr. Gervaise Gerstner and Dr. Roopal Kundu. Find out what the experts recommend:
1. Moisturize. “Some patients get very dry in the colder weather. Wind chaps the skin, and heat from radiators can really dry it out. During the winter months you can keep your skin healthy by moisturizing regularly.”
- Dr. Gervaise Gerstner, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical School
2. Update your skincare routine. “You can compensate for seasonal weather changes by switching up your cleansers. In the colder weather, use a more moisturizing cleanser. It tends to be more humid in the summertime and there tends to be a little more oil production, so in the summertime you can switch to a more oil-free, acne-prone product.”
- Dr. Gervaise Gerstner, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical School
3. If you have sensitive skin that tends to get more dry in the winter, try different products. “People who have sensitive skin can change up their cosmeceuticals if they want. For example, when it comes to anti-aging treatments, Vitamin C and peptides might be less irritating for sensitive skin.”
- Roopal V. Kundu, MD, Associate Professor of Dermatology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine
4. Do not stop wearing sunscreen. “You need to wear sunscreen everyday, even on snowy February days. Read the labels very carefully. You need a broad spectrum sunscreen, and you need to read the label very carefully to make sure it says UVA/UVB coverage. For day-to-day use, SPF 15 is fine. “
- Dr. Gervaise Gerstner, Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical School
5. When you go on vacation, update your skincare routine. “If you go on holiday, remember to adjust your daily SPF accordingly, even if you’re going on, say, a ski trip. Snow creates a lot of reflection, which can cause damage. Always remember to wear sunscreen.”


7 Fall Skin Care Tips You Should Start Utilizing Even Before The Summer's Over

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In between squeezing in last minute trips to the beach and putting together a wish list of all the cute boots and leather jackets you want to add to your wardrobe, you may have forgotten all about updating your skin care routine for fall. However, if I'm being totally honest, it's probably the most important part of prepping for the season. This is especially important for those with dry, easily irritated skin that suffers from winter weather, but it applies to everyone else as well.
Your winter skin care regimen should differ greatly from your summer routine, especially if you live in a colder climate. In the summer, most of us are preoccupied with avoiding sun damage, finding the perfect self-tanner, and dealing with sweaty, oily faces. Once fall comes, however, you need to adjust certain parts of your routine and swap out other elements for something else entirely. Then, once you have your fall/winter skin care regimen down pat, you can move on to picking out the perfect cranberry lipstick and matching nail polish (in the picture above, I'm wearing Colour Prevails Classic Lip Duo in Vamp and Essie Shearling Darling if you're wondering).

For those of you who aren't totally sure how to adjust their skin care routine for fall, I put together this comprehensive guide. In it, I'll answer common questions such as: Do I still have to wear sunscreen in the fall and winter? Do I need a night moisturizer and a day moisturizer? How do I prevent and treat dry skin?

Read on for the seven steps you can take now to update your skin care routine so that you're prepared when chilly fall weather starts to wreak havoc on your skin.
Investing in a good night cream is one of the most important things you can do for your skin in the colder months. It's important to keep your skin hydrated to avoid dryness, redness, and flakiness, but not everyone wants to put on a heavy cream during the day. Apply it at night after cleansing and before bed to wake up with soft, hydrated skin. Now is the best time to find a night cream that works for you, since you'll have time to test it and make sure it doesn't irritate your skin or cause breakouts. Then, you'll have it on hand for the moment you notice your skin getting dry.
My favorite fall/winter moisturizer by far is Lush Skin's Shangri La. It's a little on the pricey side, but a tiny dab will do (especially if you're using it in the morning instead of at night) so it lasts for ages. It's made with quality, natural ingredients such as jojoba oil and wheatgrass for hydration, aloe vera for soothing irritation, and Queen of Hungary water for firming skin. Yes, this moisturizer is marketed for mature skin but I'm in my 20s and love it: It makes my skin glow and reduces dryness and most of my redness.


5 Makeup Artist Tips for Oily Skin

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Glistening, glowing, dewy, luminous—they’re all positive adjectives when it comes to skin, until they go just a little too far into oily territory. While oily skin comes with some major complexion benefits, the annoyances of keeping your makeup in place and ditching shine can definitely wear on a gal. To help guide us on the path towards perfect skin we chatted with professional makeup artist, Virginia Linzee for her take on oily skin fixes that will make your life easier.

1. Mattify

“Most importantly, before applying foundation I start with a light, moisturizing mattifying lotion, which absorbs the excess oil your skin produces to help keep you matte. They work great under foundation and keep too much oil mixing with your foundation, which breaks it down. Make sure you choose a lotion that’s lightweight, absorbs into the skin instead of just sitting on top of the skin,” Linzee suggests.

2. Reach for a Sponge  

“The Beauty Blender is great for oily skin because it blends and presses the product into the skin, but also dilutes the product with water, adding hydration and wiping any excess oil away. If I get oily during the day, and my makeup starts to disintegrate, I just use a damp beauty blender to smooth everything back together. It's so refreshing and looks great. I find I rarely need to add more makeup afterwards,” Linzee says.

3. Blot and Powder

“To take away shine and to mask shine are two different things. I like to take away shine first and then mask it so that you use less product (and there is less oil to mix with it). Blot first with blotting papers to absorb excess oil. Then mask the shine with a blotting powder. Use a puff to press it onto the spots where you get the most oil, such as the T-zone. Oily cheekbones are fine. They glow beautifully,” Linzee says.

4. Prep Perfectly

If your eyelids tend to get greasy and crease your eyeshadow, Linzee suggests you “start with a dry eye primer or powder the lids before you apply eyeshadow.” This will give you a dry canvas to work with, and also keep your color in place all day (or night).

5. Stay Hydrated  

Linzee last tip might surprise you. “If you dehydrate your skin it produces more oil. Contrary to thought, make sure you stay hydrated and moisturized with a lightweight moisturizer so you produce less oil,” she says. And, “remember, though oily skin may be more high maintenance, it doesn't wrinkle, so be glad you've got it!” 
Have any oily skin tips of your own? Share ‘em below with a comment!